Searching for Katla in game screenshot
Searching for Katla in game screenshot

Searching for Katla

A game design and development project — July 2021

The Mission

As part of the class project one, I decided to develop the short game Searching for Katla. My focus was

  • storytelling through environmental clues
  • a good story arch, despite little user guidance
  • implementation in Unity

The Tools & Skills

  • Unity and Visual Studio
  • programming with C#
  • After Effects for the video
  • Blender for asset creation

The trailer for the game

Searching for Katla in game screenshot

If you look closely, you might find clues in the mess

Searching for Katla in game screenshot

The bathroom hasn't been used in quite some time

Searching for Katla in game screenshot

If you can get the electricity on, you can use the laptop, like in the good old days...

Searching for Katla in game screenshot

...and find what you were looking for in an email that never reached you

Searching for Katla in game screenshot

It feels warmer, when you turn on the lights