Searching for Katla in game screenshot
Searching for Katla in game screenshot

The Mountain Report

UX design and programming with React and NodeJS — July 2022

The Mission

As part of the class Web Development 2, we had to create a singe-page web app using React, NodeJS and MySQL. In class, we learned the basics and then had to apply the concept in our project. A large part of the grade was the quality of programming, while a smaller part was usability, and the rest was our demonstration in the oral exam.

I finished in the top of my class with a 1,5 (German grading system).

The Tools & Skills

  • Visual Studio
  • React for the fontend
  • NodeJS for the backend
  • MySQL for database operations
  • Adobe Xd for the prototype

The Mountain Report screenshot

The finished web app: overview over the tours, with possibility to edit or delete the ones posted by the current user

The Mountain Report screenshot

Detail view of a tour

The Mountain Report screenshot

The log in screen

The Mountain Report screenshot

Editing a tour

Mockup image by rezaazmy on Freepik